The clinical neuropsychology practice of
Dr. Robert J. Barth
Fellow of the National Academy of Neuropsychology
Serving clients internationally

Dr. Barth practices, writes and teaches in the following areas (as well as others):
- Pain (e.g. chronic pain, neuropathic pain, complex regional pain syndrome - the concept that replaced reflex sympathetic dystrophy, headache, back pain, etc.)
- Brain injury / Brain Impairment
- Mental illness (e.g., Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, “depression”, substance abuse/dependence, etc.)
- Causation of health problems
- Work Ability (in the context of health problems)
- Impairment rating
Dr. Barth has been asked to provide faculty, writing, editorial review and governance duties for many organizations, governmental agencies and healthcare publishers including:
- American Medical Association
- American Osteopathic Association
- American Psychological Association
- American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
- Multiple Sclerosis Association of America
- European Union of Medicine in Assurance and Social Security
- National Academy of Neuropsychology
- American Academy of Disability Evaluating Physicians
- North American Spine Society
- Spine Foundation
- American Academy of Neurology
- American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
- Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery
- Journal of Hand Surgery / American Society for Surgery of the Hand
- Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research / Association of Bone and Joint Surgeons
- National Association of Workers' Compensation Judiciary
- International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions
- The Mayo Clinic
- Official Disability Guidelines Treatment in Workers Compensation
- Occupational and Environmental Medicine Press
- The Workers Compensation Institute / Annual Workers Compensation Educational Conference
- Southern Association of Workers Compensation Administrators
- American Bar Association
- Several government entities (e.g. Florida Office of Judges of Compensation Claims; Alabama, Alberta, Arkansas, Georgia, Manitoba, Mississippi, Montana, Tennessee workers compensation agencies).